Whenever you arrive and however you arrive you will always arrive to a warm welcome from a tour guide.
It is my greatest pleasure to show case our beautiful island.
Arriving in Guernsey
Firstly take time to admire the beautiful vista of St Peter Port harbour; the castle, the green hills and the buildings on the hill fitting together like jigsaw pieces.
St Peter Port is a ‘tender port’ and this adds to the adventure to arriving on an island closer to France than England! (We are British).
Hopefully you will have booked a tour, either through the ship or privately. I can provide bespoke walking or driving tours.
Be guided by your tour guide as to the best time to meet up. I am always flexible on this as I will only take 1 tour per ship.
I am open to suggestions as to where you would like to visit on this special day or I can plan a complete itinerary.
From family heritage, to shopping, smuggling coves, Neolithic burial grounds and anything in between.
Be prepared for varying weather throughout your day, including sun screen even on a cloudy day!
I will be at your point of arrival and return you here unless you request otherwise. I will be aware of the last tender time prior to your arrival.
Pre book taxis as required. There are never many at the taxi rank.
And again for your departure date. I can help you with this.
I am always happy to meet you at your holiday accommodation to discuss any tours you would like to do. Island wide walking or driving.
Just a few tips when arriving by Cruise Ship
Arriving at the Airport
I can also take you across to the other Islands Herm or Sark
to make the most of your visit. This does need some pre planning but is well worth the effort.
Guernsey also has an excellent bus service and I can meet you at a venue for a guided walk from there.
So many places to discover!
FINALLY I want you to leave wanting to return with family and friends :)